02 2019.07




邮 箱:zhaoyouxing@itbb.org.cn




2001-03—2004-07 中国科学院昆明植物研究所 博士

1998-09—2001-01 南京农业大学 硕士

1994-09—1998-07 南京农业大学 学士



2013-01—至今 中国热带农业科学院热带生物技术研究所 研究员

2010-11—2012-12 中国热带农业科学院热带生物技术研究所 副研究员

2007-01—2010-10 中国科学院昆明植物研究所工作 副研究员

2004-08—2006-12 中国科学院昆明植物研究所工作 助理研究员目前承担的课题

1) 海南省自然科学基金创新团队项目,2019CXTD411,海洋真菌新颖次生代谢产物的发现及其活性评估,2019/03-2021/12,45万元,主持;

2) 农业农村部农业农村资源等监测统计专项,NFZX2018,南海海洋生物资源的调查与评估,2018/01-2020/12, 290万,主持;

3) 中国热带农业科学院基本科研业务费,17CXTD-15,南药产业技术创新团队,2017/01-2021/12,50万,主持。


1.Fan-Dong Kong, Xiao-Long Huang, Qing-Yun Ma, Qing-Yi Xie, Pei Wang, Peng-Wei Chen, Li-Man Zhou, Jing-Zhe Yuan, Hao-Fu Dai, Du-Qiang Luo*, You-Xing Zhao*. Helvolic Acid Derivatives with Antibacterial Activities against Streptococcus agalactiae from the Marine-Derived Fungus Aspergillus fumigatus HNMF0047. Journal of Natural Products, 2018, 81: 1869-1876. (SCI)

2.Chang-Liang An, Fan-Dong Kong, Qing-Yun Ma, Qing-Yi Xie, Jing-Zhe Yuan, Li-Man Zhou, Hao-Fu Dai, Zhi-Fang Yu*, and You-Xing Zhao*. Chemical Constituents of the Marine-Derived Fungus Aspergillus sp. SCS-KFD66. Marine Drugs, 2018, 16: 468. (SCI)

3.Qing-yi Xie, Xiao-dong Bao, Qing-yu Ma, Fan-dong Kong, Man-li Zhou, Bing Yan, You-xing Zhao*. Verrucosispora rhizosphaerae sp. nov., isolated from mangrove rhizosphere soil. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 2018, 111: 125-133. (SCI)

4.Shuang Yang, Qing-Yun Ma, Fan-Dong Kong, Qing-Yi Xie, Sheng-Zhuo Huang, Li-Man Zhou, Hao-Fu Dai, Zhi-Fang Yu*, You-Xing Zhao*. Two new compounds from the fruiting bodies of Ganoderma philippii. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2018, 20 (3): 249-254. (SCI)

5.Sheng Zhuo Huang, Qing Yun Ma, Qi Wang, Hao Fu Dai, Yu Qing Liu, Jun Zhou*, You Xing Zhao*. Daphnauranins C–E, three new antifeedants from Daphne aurantiaca roots. Molecules, 2018, 23 (10), 2429. (SCI)

6.Qing-Yun Ma, Shuang Yang, Sheng-Zhuo Huang, Fan-Dong Kong, Qing-Yi Xie, Hao-Fu Dai, Zhi-Fang Yu*, You-Xing Zhao*. Ergostane steroids from Coprinus setulosus. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2018,?54 (4): 710-713. (SCI)

7.Zhong Wang, Peng Fan, Tong-Dan Xue, Lin-Lin Meng, Wen-Bin Gao, Jun Zhang, You-xing Zhao*, Du-Qiang Luo*. Two New Isocoumarin Derivatives from an Endophytic Fungi Pestalotiopsis coffeae Isolated from a Mangrove Fishtail Palm. Natural Product Communications, 2018, 13 (1): 57-59. (SCI)

8.Qing-Yun Ma, Yong-Lei Chen, Sheng-Zhuo Huang, Fan-Dong Kong, Hao-Fu Dai, Yan Hua*, You-Xing Zhao*. Two new lignans from Wikstroemia dolichantha Diels. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2018,?54 (1): 22-25. (SCI)

9.孔凡栋,张宇,马青云,谢晴宜,周丽曼,邓世明*,赵友兴*.海洋真菌Penicillium sp. SCS-KFD16次级代谢产物研究. 中草药,2018,49(21):5029-5033.



12.Fan Dong Kong, Li Man Zhou, Qing Yun Ma, Sheng Zhuo Huang, Pei Wang, Hao Fu Dai, You-Xing Zhao*. Metabolites with Gram-negative bacteria quorum sensinginhibitory activity from the marine animal endogenic fungus Penicillium sp. SCS-KFD08. Archives of Pharmacal Research, 2017, 40 (1): 25-31. (SCI)

13.Fan-Dong Kong, Qing-Yun Ma, Sheng-Zhuo Huang, Pei Wang, Jun-Feng Wang, Li-Man Zhou, Jing-Zhe Yuan, Hao-Fu Dai*, You-Xing Zhao*. Chrodrimanins K?N and related meroterpenoids from the fungus Penicillium sp. SCS-KFD09 isolated from a marine worm, Sipunculus nudus. Journal of Natural Products, 2017, 80: 1039-1047. (SCI)

14.Sheng-Zhuo Huang, Qing-Yun Ma, Fan-Dong Kong, Zhi-Kai Guo, Qi Wang, Hao-Fu Dai, Yu-Qing Liu, Jun Zhou,* and You-Xing Zhao*. Daphnauranins A and B, two new antifeedantsIsolated from Daphne aurantiaca roots. Fitoterapia, 2017, 122: 11-15. (SCI)

15.Fan-Dong Kong, Ren-Shuai Zhang, Qing-Yun Ma, Qing-Yi Xie, Pei Wang, Peng-Wei Chen, Li-Man Zhou, Hao-Fu Dai, Du-Qiang Luo* and You-Xing Zhao*. Chrodrimanins O-S from the Fungus Penicillium sp. SCS-KFD09 Isolated from a Marine Worm, Sipunculusnudus. Fitoterapia, 2017, 122 : 1-6. (SCI)

16.Sheng-Zhuo Huang, Qing-Yun Ma, Fan-Dong Kong, Zhi-Kai Guo, Cai-Hong Cai, Li-Li Hu, Li-Man Zhou, Qi Wang, Hao-Fu Dai, Wen-Li Mei, You Xing Zhao*. Lanostane-type triterpenoids from the fruiting body of Ganoderma calidophilum. Phytochemistry, 2017, 143: 104-110. (SCI)

17.Ning-Ning Yang, Qing-Yun Ma, Sheng-Zhuo Huang, Fan-Dong Kong, Hao-Fu Dai, Zhi-Fang Yu*, You-Xing Zhao*. Chemical study of the fungus Psilocybe merdaria. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2017, 19 (4): 333-338. (SCI)

18.Ning Ning Yang, Fan Dong Kong, Qing Yun Ma, Sheng Zhuo Huang, Du Qiang Luo, Li Man Zhou, Hao Fu Dai, Zhi Fang Yu*, You Xing Zhao*. Drimane-type sesquiterpenoids from cultures of the fungus Xylaria polymorpha. Phytochemistry Letters, 2017, 20: 13-16. (SCI)

19.Fandong Kong, Qingyun Ma, Shengzhuo Huang, Shuang Yang, Linran Fu, Liman Zhou, Haofu Dai, Zhifang Yu2*, Youxing Zhao*. Tetracyclic indole alkaloids with anti-nematode activity from Uncaria rhynchophylla. Natural Product Research, 2017, 31 (12): 1403-1408. (SCI)

20.Ning Ning Lan, Qing Yun Ma, Fan Dong Kong, Ning Ning Yang, Qing Yi Xie, Sheng Zhuo Huang, Li Man Zhou, You Gen Wu*, You Xing Zhao*.Two new nortriterpenoids from the fruiting bodies of Ganoderma daqingshanense. Phytochemistry Letters, 2017, 22: 210-213. (SCI)

21.杨宁宁,孔凡栋,马青云,黄圣卓,罗都强,周丽曼,戴好富,郁志芳*,赵友兴*.多形炭角菌Xylaria polymorpha菌丝发酵的次级代谢产物研究. 有机化学,2017,37:1033-1039.(SCI)

22.Jun Zhang, Lin-Lin Meng, Jing-Jing Wei, Peng Fan, Sha-Sha Liu, Wei-Yu Yuan, You-Xing Zhao*, Du-Qiang Luo*. PTP1B Inhibitors from the Entomogenous Fungi Isaria fumosorosea. Molecules, 2017, 22, 2058. (SCI)

23.兰宁宁,马青云,黄圣卓,孔凡栋,杨宁宁,戴好富,吴友根*,赵友兴*. 大青山灵芝的化学成分研究. 中草药,2017,48(3):437-442.

24.张宇,孔凡栋,马青云,黄圣卓,周丽曼,戴好富,邓世明*,赵友兴*.海洋真菌Aspergillus sp. SCS-KFD03化学成分研究.中国海洋药物,2017,36(2):15-21.

25.王林,孔凡栋,马青云,黄圣卓,周丽曼,谢晴宜,丁琼*,赵友兴*.考夫曼网柄牛肝菌子实体的化学成分. 热带生物学报,2017,8(4):466-473.


27.孔凡栋,周丽曼,马青云,黄圣卓,赵友兴*.革兰氏阴性细菌LuxR/I型群体感应抑制剂研究进展. 现代生物医学进展,2017,17(30):5984-5988.


29.张宇,孔凡栋,马青云,谢晴宜,黄圣卓,周丽曼,戴好富,邓世明*,赵友兴*.海洋真菌Aspergillus sp. SCS-KFD03化学成分分析.热带生物学报,2017,8(3):42-48.

30.孔凡栋,周丽曼,马青云,黄圣卓,赵友兴*.革兰阳性细菌AIP型群体感应抑制剂研究进展. 热带生物学报,2017,8(2):236-240.

31.谌永蕾,马青云,黄圣卓,孔凡栋,谢晴宜,华燕,赵友兴*.构皮荛花的化学成分研究. 时珍国医国药.2017,28(10):2339-2343.

32.Sheng-Zhuo Huang, Fan-Dong Kong, Qing-Yun Ma, Zhi-Kai Guo, Li-Man Zhou, Qi Wang, Hao-Fu Dai,* You-Xing Zhao*. Nematicidal Stemona Alkaloids from Stemona parviflora. Journal of Natural Products, 2016, 79: 2599-2605. (SCI)

33.Peng-Cheng Wang, Xin-Hui Ran, Huai-Rong Luo, Qing-Yun Ma, Jun Zhou, Jiang-Miao Hu,* and You-Xing Zhao*. Volvalerine A, an unprecedented N-containing sesquiterpenoid dimer derivate from Valeriana officinalis var. latifolia. Fitoterapia, 2016, 109 (3): 174-178. (SCI)

34.Qing-Yun Ma, Sheng-Zhuo Huang, Li-Li Hu, Zhi-Kai Guo, Hao-Fu Dai, You-Xing Zhao*. Two new tirucallane triterpenoids from the fruiting bodies of Ganoderma tropicum. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2016,?52 (4): 656-659. (SCI)

35.Sheng Zhuo Huang, Bao Hui Cheng, Qing Yun Ma, Qi Wang, Fan Dong Kong, Hao Fu Dai, Shu Qi Qiu, Peng Yuan Zheng, Zhi Qiang Liu,* You-Xing Zhao*. Anti-allergic Prenylated Hydroquinonesand Alkaloids from the Fruiting Body of Ganoderma calidophilum. RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 21139-21147. (SCI).

36.Fan Dong Kong, Li Man Zhou, Qing Yun Ma, Sheng Zhuo Huang, Pei Wang, Hao-Fu Dai, You-Xing Zhao*. Penicillars A–E from the marine animal endogenic fungus Penicillium sp. SCS-KFD08. Phytochemistry Letters, 2016, 17: 59-63. (SCI)

37.Qiao Wang, Yu-Guang Wang, Qing-Yun Ma, Sheng-Zhuo Huang, Fan-Dong Kong, Li-Man Zhou, Hao-Fu Dai, You-Xing Zhao*. Chemical constituents from the fruiting bodies of Amauroderma subresinosum. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2016, 18 (11): 1030-1035. (SCI)

38.Qing-Yun Ma, Yi-Chun Chen, Sheng-Zhuo Huang, Fan-Dong Kong, Li-Man Zhou, Hao-Fu Dai, Yan Hua *, You-Xing Zhao*. Chemical constituents from the stems of Daphne holosericea (Diels) Hamaya. Chemistry & Biodiversity, 2016, 13: 1469-1474. (SCI)

39.谌永蕾,马青云,黄圣卓,戴好富,华燕*,赵友兴*. 皱盖假芝子实体的化学成分研究. 中草药,2016,47(6):881-885.

40.黄圣卓,王琪,刘玉清,周俊,戴好富,马青云,孔凡栋,赵友兴*. 橙黄瑞香中苯丙素类成分研究. 中草药,2016,47(22):3970-3974.


42.Sheng-Zhuo Huang, Xuan Zhang, Qing-Yun Ma, Yong-Tang Zheng, Hao-Fu Dai, Qi Wang, Jun Zhou * and You-Xing Zhao*. Anti-HIV terpenoids from Daphne aurantiaca Diels. stems. RSC Advances, 2015, 5 (98): 80254-80263. (SCI)

43.Ningning Yang, Qingyun Ma, Shengzhuo Huang, Haofu Dai, Zhikai Guo, Xuehua Lu, Yuguang Wang, Zhifang Yu*, Youxing Zhao*. Chemical constituents from cultures of the fungus Marasmiellus ramealis (Bull.) Singer. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 2015, 26 (1): 9-13. (SCI)

44.Shuang-Shuang Zhang, Qing-Yun Ma, Sheng-Zhuo Huang, Hao-Fu Dai, Zhi-Kai Guo, Zhi-Fang Yu*, You-Xing Zhao*. Lanostanoids with acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity from the mushroom Haddowia longipes. Phytochemistry, 2015, 110 (2): 133-139. (SCI)

45.Qingyun Ma,?Qinli Wan,?Shengzhuo Huang,?Haofu Dai,?Yingrui Wu,?Jun Zhou,?Huairong Luo*, Youxing Zhao*. Phenolic constituents with inhibitory activities on acetylcholinesterase from the rhizomes of?Gastrodia elata. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2015,?51 (1): 158-160. (SCI)

46.Shuang-Shuang Zhang, Yu-Guang Wang, Qing-Yun Ma, Sheng-Zhuo Huang, Li-Li Hu, Hao-Fu Dai, Zhi-Fang Yu*, You-Xing Zhao*. Three new lanostanoids from the mushroom Ganoderma tropicum. Molecules, 2015, 20, 3281-3289. (SCI)

47.Ning-Ning Yang, Sheng-Zhuo Huang, Qing-Yun Ma, Hao-Fu Dai, Zhi-Kai Guo, Zhi-Fang Yu*, You-Xing Zhao*. A new pyrrole alkaloid from Leccinum extremiorientale. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2015,?51 (4): 730-732. (SCI)

48.Huang Sheng Zhuo, Huang Hui Ni, Ma Qing Yun, Mo Ming He*, Zhu Ming Liang, Dai Hao Fu, Ji Yan Ping, Wang Qing Hai, Zhao You Xing*. The Phytochemicals with antagonistic activities toward pathogens of a disease complex caused by Meloidogyne incognita and Ralstonia solanacearum. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. 2015, 9 (1): 209-213.


50.杨丹, 马青云, 程忠泉, 黄圣卓, 莫明和, 赵友兴*.茯苓皮中三萜成分的分离鉴定及其生物防治活性.贵州农业科学,2015,43(4):100-103.

51.Sheng-Zhuo Huang, Xiao-Nian Li, Qing-Yun Ma, Hao-Fu Dai, Liang-Chun Li, Xiang-Hai Cai, Yu-Qing Liu, Jun Zhou*, You-Xing Zhao*. Daphnauranols A-C, new antifeedant sesquiterpenoids with a 5/6/7 ring system from Daphne aurantiaca. Tetrahedron Letters, 2014, 55 (27): 3693-3696. (SCI)

52.Sheng-Zhuo Huang, Huai-Rong Luo, Qing-Yun Ma, Hua Peng, Hao-Fu Dai, Jun Zhou*, You-Xing Zhao*. Chemical constituents from the stems of Excoecaria acertiflia. Chemistry & Biodiversity, 2014, 11 (9): 1406-1416. (SCI)

53.Qing-Yun Ma, Yi-Chun Chen, Sheng-Zhuo Huang, Zhi-Kai Guo, Hao-Fu Dai, Yan Hua* and You-Xing Zhao*. Two new guaiane sesquiterpenoids from Daphne holosericea (Diels) Hamaya. Molecules, 2014, 19 (9): 14266-14272. (SCI)

54.Lin-Ran Fu, Qing-Yun Ma, Sheng-Zhuo Huang, Hao-Fu Dai, Zhi-Kai Guo, Zhi-Fang Yu*, You-Xing Zhao*. Terpenoids and their anti-feedant activity from Cipadessa cinerascens. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research. 2014, 16 (11): 1054-1059. (SCI)

55.Ningning Yang, Qingyun Ma, Shengzhuo Huang, Haofu Dai, Zhikai Guo, Zhifang Yu* Youxing Zhao*. Two rostane derivatives from the cultures of fungus Marasmiellus ramealis (Bull.) Singer. Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2014, 35 (11): 3224-3226. (SCI)

56.Li-Li Hu, Qing-Yun Ma, Sheng-Zhuo Huang, Zhi-Kai Guo, Hai-Xia Ma, Jian-Chun Guo, Hao-Fu Dai*, You-Xing Zhao*. A new nortriterpenoids from the fruiting bodies of Ganoderma tropicum Phytochemistry Letters, 2014, 7 (1): 11-13. (SCI)

57.Sheng-Zhuo Huang, Xuan Zhang, Qing-Yun Ma, Hua Peng, Wei-Wei Fang, Yong-Tang Zheng, Jiang-Miao Hu, Hao-Fu Dai , Jun Zhou*, You-Xing Zhao*. Anti-HIV-1 tigliane diterpenoids from Excoecaria acertiflia Didr. Fitoterapia, 2014, 95 (4): 34-41. (SCI)

58.黄圣卓,马青云,彭华,牛洋,刘玉清,周俊*,赵友兴*.云南土沉香中的香豆素类成分研究. 中草药,2014,45(3): 318-322.

59.杨宁宁,黄圣卓,马青云,戴好富,郁志芳*,赵友兴*. 远东疣柄牛肝菌化学成分分析. 食品科学,2014,35(6):78-82.

60.马青云,黄圣卓,戴好富,梅文莉,莫明和*,赵友兴*. 红毛丹果壳中齐墩果烷型三萜苷类成分的生防活性. 热带生物学报,2014,5(4):334-338.

61.罗应,马青云,黄圣卓,郭志凯,戴好富,赵友兴*. 海南灵芝化学成分研究. 热带亚热带植物学报,2014,22(2):190-194.

62.马青云,王桥,吴兴亮,黄圣卓,赵友兴*. 松杉灵芝化学成分及药理活性的研究进展. 贵州科学,2014,32(3):21-24.

63.陈义纯,马青云,黄圣卓,郭志凯,赵友兴*,华燕*. 丝毛瑞香化学成分分析. 西南林业大学学报,2014,34(1):97-101.


1) 中国药用真菌, 主编, 2013, 科学出版社获授权专利

1) 赵友兴,孔凡栋,周丽曼,马青云,黄圣卓,戴好富. 一种改善学习记忆的中药组合物及其制备方法.(专利号:ZL 201510753667.3)

2) 赵友兴,孔凡栋,周丽曼,马青云,黄圣卓,戴好富. 一种具有降血脂功效的中药组合物及其制备方法与用途.(专利号: ZL 201510743094.6)

3) 马青云,赵友兴,黄圣卓,戴好富,王辉. 一种减肥降脂的中药组合物、制剂及食品.(专利号:ZL 2012 1 0259317.8)

4) 赵友兴,马青云,黄圣卓,戴好富,罗应,王辉. 一种治疗抑郁症的中药组合物及其制备方法和应用.(专利号:ZL 2012 1 0288312.8)

5) 赵友兴,马青云,黄圣卓,戴好富,王辉. 一种改善睡眠的中药组合物及其制备方法和应用.(专利号:ZL 2012 1 0288313.2)成果与奖励





1) 海南省高层次人才

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